Sunday, November 9, 2008

don't be square

have u ever wondered y ppl say "be der or be square"? well i've gt d answer 2 ur question!!! when ppl say dey want u 2 be some where it means dey want u AROUND n as we all noe frm kindergarten...circles are round n squares aren't...which means... wen ur der ur around n ur not a square in deir ders ur answer!!! cy'a...PeaceLuvJoy

hey so how's it goin???=]

hey everyone!!!(especially mcs students!!!) i am like...a HUGE fan of...well i dunno...MTV!!! it's like... visual radio...n u can wtch music vids w/o goin on 2 d net if u hav my prob(bro  or other ppl fightin with u 4 d pc...not a very nice sight...) so those who are an only child...i envy u...haha lol...n i just can't believe joe jonas actually broke up with taylor swift on a 27 seconds phone call...if u don't believe me...go to youtube n type: Ellen DeGeneres:::taylor swift n click on he first video...well that's it from me now...c'ya!!!